Jackson’s Dermatologist Talks Michael’s Drug Use, Acne Problem

November 6th, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Photo: Getty

Dr. Arnold Klein, Michael Jackson’s personal dermatologist and a subject of scrutiny in the months following the singer’s death, sat down with TMZ’s Harvey Levin for a 90-plus minute interview that revisits Jackson’s alleged prescription drug use and his insecurity over his acne.

Look back at Michael Jackson’s life in photos.

“He was in the hands of doctors who didn’t know what they were doing,” Klein told TMZ, adding that Dr. Conrad Murray, the focus of the investigation into Jackson’s death, was both unqualified to administer Propofol and shouldn’t have been offering the drug to Jackson in the first place. TMZ asked Klein about medical records showing that Klein himself administered Demerol to Jackson at a frequent rate — at one point, there were 179 procedures in three months — but Klein responded by saying the treatments were necessary as he attempted to “rebuild” Jackson’s face.

“Do you know how terrible his acne was? He wouldn’t go to school. He used to tell me he would scrub his face with brillo because he thought it would help his acne. He had some really severe acne scarring,” Klein said, adding later, “Do you know how many weekends I spent doing this, trying to rebuild his face? It’s not easy.” Klein reiterated that it was Jackson’s Propofol addiction that caused the singer’s premature death, which was eventually ruled a homicide.

Check out Jackson’s history in Rolling Stone covers.

Dressed similarly to Joe Jackson, Klein also took a shot at everyone from the Jackson family to law employment agents who are looking...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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